Gua Sha is a traditional Oriental bodywork technique used in many parts of Asia as a home remedy. Most often used for muscle soreness and tension, it can be applied to many parts of the body. Gua Sha is a fast way to release muscular tension, and works amazingly well to remove pain from both recent and old injuries. It is most often applied to the upper back, shoulders and neck (where many people store tension and stress), but also across the low back and buttocks and down the legs for low back pain, sciatica, knee pain, and menstrual problems; and down the shoulder and arm for injuries and tendonitis. These treatments will probably leave a red mark in the place where it has been applied. The marks can last for 2 -3 days up to two weeks.
The carpal tunnel contains the tendons that bend the fingers and thumb as well as the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the median nerve is compressed where it passes through the tunnel at the wrist. CTS commonly affects women in middle age but can occur at any age in either sex. CTS may be associated with swelling in the tunnel which may be caused by inflammation of the tendons, a fracture of the wrist, wrist arthritis and other less common conditions. In most cases, the cause is not identifiable

Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) can cause wrist/ forearm or hand pain. Working at the computer with your hand bent up toward you is a common cause of this type of tendonitis. It is often confused with carpal tunnel syndrome.
What does Kienbock's disease feel like?
The primary symptoms of Kienbock's disease are pain in the wrist and limited wrist motion. Pain may vary from slight discomfort to constant pain. In the early stages there may be pain only during or after heavy activity using the wrist. The pain usually gets slowly worse over many years. The wrist may swell. The area over the back of the wrist near the lunate bone may feel tender. You may not be able to move your wrist as much as normal or grip objects as well.
Patients often have the condition for months or years before seeking treatment. Typically, the patient will report an injury to the wrist in the past or have a history of repetitive heavy use of the wrist. Kienbock's disease most frequently affects men 20 to 40 years old. It rarely affects both wrists.

HIGH ANKLE SPRAINSprains above the ankle bone generally take twice as long to heal compared to lower ankle sprains because the ligaments involved are much bigger, thicker, and bear more support .