Many shoulder, neck and headache issues are the result of tension in the trapezius muscles. Tension in the trapezius will affect the movement of the entire upper back, neck and shoulders. This point is very powerful in relieving stress and tension that affects these areas. The point is located in a triangular shaped hole at the top of the shoulders, half way between the neck and the acromion (shoulder bone). The best way to use this point on yourself is to cross your arms and press your middle or index fingers deeply into the top of the shoulder. This point has a unique feel or ache when pressed that is different from the surrounding tissue. Generally people know it when they have found it.
செவ்வாய், 11 மார்ச், 2014
Gua Sha is a traditional Oriental bodywork technique used in many parts of Asia as a home remedy. Most often used for muscle soreness and tension, it can be applied to many parts of the body. Gua Sha is a fast way to release muscular tension, and works amazingly well to remove pain from both recent and old injuries. It is most often applied to the upper back, shoulders and neck (where many people store tension and stress), but also across the low back and buttocks and down the legs for low back pain, sciatica, knee pain, and menstrual problems; and down the shoulder and arm for injuries and tendonitis. These treatments will probably leave a red mark in the place where it has been applied. The marks can last for 2 -3 days up to two weeks.
Acupuncture can be helpful for a wide range of sports injuries including strains, sprains, muscle and joint pain. It can help to decrease swelling, spasms and inflammation as well as relieve pain and shorten recovery time. Many professional athletes who receive acupuncture treatments for their injuries concur that it helps your body recover from injury faster.
Several recent studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective for different types of injuries. A study conducted at Johns Hopkins University Medical School found that people with chronic tendonitis and arthritis who had 20-minute acupuncture sessions twice per week had less pain and disability than those who received placebo acupuncture.
Acupuncture can be helpful for a wide range of sports injuries including strains, sprains, muscle and joint pain. It can help to decrease swelling, spasms and inflammation as well as relieve pain and shorten recovery time. Many professional athletes who receive acupuncture treatments for their injuries concur that it helps your body recover from injury faster.
Several recent studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective for different types of injuries. A study conducted at Johns Hopkins University Medical School found that people with chronic tendonitis and arthritis who had 20-minute acupuncture sessions twice per week had less pain and disability than those who received placebo acupuncture.
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