Gynecological disorders (stree Rog)
Amenorrhoea is the absence of menstrual periods Menstrual periods may not start at all or may start with scanty discharge, then stop.
- Birth defect in which the Uterus and Fallopian tubes do not develop normally or by chromosomal disorder like Turner syndrome.
- Anaemia or general ill health.
- Serious illnesses like T.B. Bright’s disease or malaria of prolonged nature.
- Disorders of the hypothalamus (a part of the brain)
- Deficiency in the secretions of ovarian, Thyroid or Pituitary hormones
- Mental disorders, depression
- Thin women, with Anorexia Nervosa
- Excessive stress, exercises, eating too little.
In primary Amenorrhoea, the menstrual
periods fail to appear at puberty. In secondary amenorrhoea the periods
start at puberty, and then stop.
Dysmenorrhea is painful
menstruation of which there are two forms. Primary (spasmodic)
dysmenorrhea is characterized by lower abdominal pains starting just
before or with the menstrual flow and continuing during menstruation. It
is often associated with nausea, vomiting, head ache, faintness,
constipation and diarrhea. Specific cause is not known but could be due
to excessive prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins (hormone like
substances) have many functions, one of which is to cause contraction of
the Uterus. Primary dysmenorrhea may become less with age and after
Secondary dysmenorrhea usually affects older patients causing congested ache with lower.
Abdominal cramps, pelvic pain etc. The
pain may start from a few days to up to 2 weeks before menstruation.
Common causes for secondary dysmenorrhea are pelvic inflammatory
disease, endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, In some cases, the pain
results from passage of menstrual blood through a narrow cervix.
Pre menstrual irritablity, nervousness,
depression and abdominal bloating may persist during part or all of the
menstrual period.
Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia
Menorrhagia means abnormally
heavy bleeding at menstruation which may or may not be associated with
abnormally long periods Hormonal imbalances, inflammation or fibroids in
the pelvic cavity, anaemia and some other conditious may be the causes.
Metrorrhagia is bleeding
from Uterus other than the normal menstrual period. It may indicate
serious disease and should always be investigated.
According to Ayurveda, these conditions
are due to imbalance of hormones, caused by aggravation of pitta in the
body. Abnormal growths in the Uterus may also produce profuse bleeding.
Heavy bleeding may cause giddiness, head ache, pain in the calves and
Tips to help prevent vaginal candidiasis:
- Wear loose and comfortable clothing, preferably cotton.
- Practice good toilet hygiene
- Dry off the vaginal area quickly and thoroughly after bathing.
- Wipe from the front to the back after a bowel movement.
- Avoid perfumed soaps and bath additives.
- Try to reduce your stress levels – regular exercise may help.
Self – help for a person with vaginal candidiasis:
- Try not to scratch or rub, especially with long fingernails.
- Don’t wash yourself too harshly or with hot water. Cool gentle rinsing is better.
- Don’t rub yourself too hard with bath towels.
- Avoid sexual intercourse.
- Vaginal candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, sexual intercourse may
Worsen the symptoms of vaginal
candidiasis. It may result in passing on the infection to your partner.
Hence, it is a good idea to avoid sexual intercourse during an attack.
Leucorrhoea refers to
whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vaginal opening. It may
occur normally at all times, the quantity increasing before or after
menstruation. An abnormally large discharge may indicate infection of
the lower reproductive tract by the protozoan ” Trichomonas vaginalis”
considers that the cause for leucorrhoea is vitiation of ‘kapha’. It
affects weak, emaciated and anaemic women more. Inflammation of womb
following child birth, displacement of Uterus or veneral diseases.
Unhygienic conditions also may be some of the causes.
In addition to whitish discharge, there
may be pain in the lumbar region, calves. Other symptoms are
constipation, frequent head aches and intense itching.
Home remedies for Gynecological disorders
For menstrual problems
- A piece of fresh ginger, should be
pounded and boiled in a cup of water for a few minutes. This infusion
sweetened with sugar should be used thrice daily after meals.
- Banana flowers. The use of banana
flowers in cases of excessive menstruation is well known and effective.
One banana flower should be cooked and eaten with one cup of curd. The
quantity of progesterone is increased, reducing the bleeding.
- Sesame seeds. Half a teaspoon of powder
of sesame seeds taken with hot water twice daily reduces spasmodic pain
during menstruation in young, virgin anaemic girls. A warm hip bath
containing a handful of crushed sesame seeds should be simultaneously
taken along with this recipe.
- Coriander seeds are also beneficial in
treating excessive menstruation. Six grams of coriander seeds boiled in
half a litre of water. The decoction should be taken off the fire when
only half the water remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the
patient should drink it when it is still warm.
- Seven tender leaves of pomegranate tree
and seven grains of rice ground into paste and given to a patient for a
month twice daily, act both as curative as well as a preventive
medicine in cases of excessive / irregular menstruation.